(Pardon the hasty editing job with the photo above. I was trying to replicate the style of Obama’s posters. Surely there’s a Photoshop filter to do that sort of thing?)
Here’s a question posed by Joseph Weisenthal, who posts messages on Twitter as “The Stalwart”. Since it’s the end of a particularly controversial eight-year U.S. presidential term, there’s a lot of looking back over the past 8 years. That’s what makes his question so interesting to me right now:
The tweet reads:
Survey: Are you, PERSONALLY, better off today than you were eight years ago? I’ll start off: yes.
It’s a question worth considering. Forgetting for the moment any feelings that you have about the current U.S. Presidential administration or any policies that did not have a direct effect on you (this will vary depending on where you live) – is your life better today, January 2009, than it was eight years ago, January 2001?
My answer is “yes”.
I’ll write more later, but in the meantime, what’s your answer? Post it in the comments!
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Seems this question could only be relevant to people at least 30 years old.. 8 years ago I was in high school. Now I've completed university and have a job. Doesn't seem worth comparing my two conditions. Apples and oranges and whatnot.
God, yes. It has practically nothing to do with politics, though, north OR south of the border. Most of it is good economic timing and plain old growing up...I've simply DONE more. Gotten married, gotten my MBA, traveled more, found joy in unexpected places*, become friends with more people, gotten to meet two nieces and a nephew, given more time and money to charities, gained new insight, read more books, played more games, etc., etc. At this point 8 years ago I disliked my job; I haven't since (I quit that job in Mar 2001). My health is probably a wash...and considering I'm 8 years older now, I'm ok with that. So my answer is yes, but it has little to do with the context of the post, or at least what I read the context to be.
* Sounds dirty. Isn't.
I give you, sir, the Happy to be of service.
Er, my HTML needs work. But the principle stands.
Dan Dickinson: Actually, your answer is exactly in the context of the post! In fact, the reasons for my "yes" answer are quite similar to yours.
Guillaume: I still think it's a valid question, even if you're under 30. I know some people in their 20s who seem to be longing for the halcyon days of high school or university. I also know some people in their 30s who'd say that the 20s/30s difference might be even more drastic than the high school/20s difference, especially if they have kids.
Dan Dickinson: One more thing -- something you said in your comment reminded me of this graphic:
Yes. 8 years ago I was a single guy at a startup, and now I'm married with 2 kids.
But yeah, take this 8 years (mid-20's to mid-30's) of most people's lives and they add kids and a spouse. And most think it's good.
It just kind of looks like the question is worded for one to evaluate their personal situation, as opposed to in a financial or economic context. Maybe that's what he meant, so I'll have to say "yes" as well: moved to a new country, have prospered in my career and am in a fulfilling and happy relationship.
There you go.
In the 8 years since the Chimp in Charge took office, I got married (and I'm still happily married!)and bought a house. I changed jobs just over 6 months ago, moving back to the wholesale side of the industry I love (bicycles!), a move that was made easier and more profitable in that, as people's economic situations worsen, the better the bike industry gets. My band of 8 1/2 years disbanded (bummer) and my guitarist and I started a new project that has re-invigorated my creativity, focus and the enjoyment I get from playing. On the down side, as the Republican party goes, so (it seems) goes Alberta, and our housing prices are already tanking here in Calgary. On the plus side, we bought our house at 24% less than market value at the time, so we haven't taen a huge hit in that respect. So, all told, I'm definitely better off!