PETA – the food Taliban – continue to scrape of the bottom of the barrel for ideas. Their latest campaign is Save the Sea Kittens, in which they attempt to stop people from eating fish by branding them as “Sea Kittens”.
I have bad news for you: I’m Asian, and I think of cats as egg rolls waiting to happen.
The concept of rebranding animals in order to stop people from eating them isn’t terribly original. It was done in South Park back in April 2002 in the episode Fun With Veal. In the episode, the kids try to save a herd of baby cows from being turned into veal by stealing them and demanding that the beef industry rebrand veal as “tortured baby cow meat”. In the end, they have to stop; as a result of going vegetarian, Stan breaks out in vaginas and only an infusion of meat stops him from “turning into a total pussy”.
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One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…
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Bottom of the barrel? I don't know. If getting lots of publicity is the goal, they're doing an excellent job. I think they just don't understand the difference between publicity that gets lots of exposure and publicity that is effective in accomplishing goals.
It's sorta like spam. If you blindly cast a wide enough net, you'll reach the same number of people receptive to your message as if you had thought about what you're doing -- but you'll upset the rest of the recipients. I think PETA views that upset as part of the desired response.
We just bought a fish and a tank over the weekend, and in honour of Ingrid Newkirk and her trusted band of tragically misinformed and misanthropic followers, we named it Sea Kitten!
Save a sea kitten, eat a fish?
I'll save a sea kitten if I can eat what Stephen Colber refers to as land fish in this clip in his January 15th episode.