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Recycle THIS!

Joey deVilla

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  • I know it doesn't actually say that, but from the back of their jackets, it almost looks like they're from the onion.

  • Seems like it's Russia, the guys are from OMON, russian special forces, and they're taking the greenpeace activist away for a spontaneous suicide from a fourth floor or something.

  • You can't tell by the Cyrillic alphabet in the background?

    OMOH (Otryad Militsii Osobogo Naznacheniya) is Russia's version of the RCMP's tactical teams. Only with a lot less regard for the rule of law and proportionate response.

    The guy in the costume was attempting to deliver a sealed package to the mayor of Moscow, who was in the vicinity. OMON didn't like unexpected guy in bulky costume carrying sealed package to municipal official. Wonder why?

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