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1960s-Style Covers for Movie Novelizations

I really like the abstract works that designers like Saul Bass created in the 1960s. Here’s an example of Bass’ work – his poster for the Hitchcock movie Vertigo:

Saul Bass' poster for the movie "Vertigo"Saul Bass' poster for the movie "Vertigo"

Someone who goes by the nom de plume of “Spacesick” likes ‘60s abstract graphic art as much as I do and has created I Can Read Movies, a series of covers for novelizations of popular movies done in that style. I show some of Spacesick’s creations below.

(If you’re a book publisher, you might want to drop Spacesick a line. His/her stuff is really good!)

Here’s the cover for the novelization of Caddyshack. It’s only missing one thing: the gopher!


Here’s the cover for the hypothetical book version of Sixteen Candles, one of the quintessential ‘80s teen movies:


The cover for Highlander captures the spirit of the movie while remaining refreshingly minimalist:

Here’s the Face/Off cover. Someone should let Spacesick know that “forward” is a direction and “foreword” is an introductory note in a book.

Here’s the cover to the “burning novelization” of Mean Girls:

Here’s Shaun of the Dead:

And finally, my favourite: a Japanese novelization titled Wonka-san! Just Punisher of Coddled Children:

You can see Spacesick’s other novelization covers in this entry in his/her blog as well as in this Flickr photoset.

Joey deVilla

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