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The Ultimate Toilet

Those of you with (ahem) digestive issues might want to install a toilet with Quattro flushing technology in your bathroom. Marvel at the promotional video below, in which all sorts of stuff gets flushed down a Quattro toilet: 2.5 pounds of carrots, 4 sets of plastic chess pieces, 3 pounds of gummi bears. 18 large hot dogs and all sorts of other stuff that would render an ordinary toilet non-functional. If I had one of these, I’d be flushing all kinds of weird stuff all the time!

Joey deVilla

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  • I'm not sure it would work, I mean it would flush the stuff from the toilet, but it could very well get stuck in the drainpipes. Especially in apartment buildings, don't you think?

  • Nowhere in that video did they demonstrate that a regular toilet would not flush all those things.

  • Paul: I'm quite sure that a regular toilet wouldn't be able to handle the chess pieces. I think that even the gummi bears would overwhelm a typical commode.

  • I have had to purchase well over my share of plungers, causing many an awkward social situation throughout my lifetime. I'm not impressed: all these items were small. When a company builds a toilet that can flush [ahem] a large solid object, I'll part ways with my money.

  • Why don't they do a test with a quarter of a roll of unwrapped toilet tissue (torn into four sheet sections) with each section laying there for 20 seconds before the next is added. That's a toilet test!

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