Once you’ve read this piece and seen the video, see the follow-up story, Greg Gutfeld’s Gutless Apology.
This is even beyond Greg Gutfeld’s run-of-the-mill ignorant, this is the man – and I use the term very loosely – taking it to all-new lows in a piece on the Canadian military and its Afghanistan mission:
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So much could be said, but every worth is one to many...
I'd say I am pleased to hear that Canada's armed forces will be leaving Afghanistan (for a year - yea right) although it is my belief that the reason given "our tanks are worn out" is a pitiful lie. For all the strong commentary, glib as it may be, at least they let us know and discussed it in a free for all format.
My response to the douche bag:
I'm shocked at your recent segment about Canada "taking a break" from Afghanistan. Perhaps you were unaware while the US was dicking around in Iraq looking for non-existent weapons of mass destruction and killing 100,000 civilians, Canada continued to fight in Afghanistan. We've lost proportionately more soldiers in Afghanistan than *any* other country. In fact, four Canadian soldiers were killed just yesterday. Did you or any of your talentless guests do any research at all before shooting your mouths off or, because it's Fox News, you don't bother?
Matt Mendelow
Toronto, Canada
this is america speaking....listen up. isn't it disgusting...their corporation's fronts are paid to be idiots.
and i think that guy might be a vulcan, or maybe he just has odd ears.
aside from that you all bore me.
This clip is sexy.
It is no wonder that Greg Gutfield has one of the worst time slots on television. I can't tell you the outrage this ignorant, uneducated man has caused in Canada with his idiotic, puerile remarks.
Why I'm outraged I'm not sure, as in reality it's clear this man would not last two minutes in Afghanistan.
When he says our troops need a break to do yoga and have manicures and pedicures, it mearly makes Greg Gutfield and his friends look like fools, since it is clear that Greg Gutfield, Doug Benson, and Bill Schultz were the ones sitting there wearing make-up! I don't know ONE Canadian military man who does this, and yet Greg Gutfield is the one who sits in a chair before going on air and gets primped and preened by stylists...THIS man -Greg Gutfield- is clearly more closely aquainted with pedicures and manicures than any Canadian military personnel that I know of.
My husband has served the Canadian Military, has had friends who have died, and now works full time in Afghanistan. He speaks very highly of the American soldiers, they do an excellent job. And they also need a much needed break between tours, as I know there are US men and women who served in Iraq and were away from their families for more than a year. Canada's Andrew Leslie is one of the few military leaders who have had the intestinal fortitude to stick up for the troops.
Our Canadian troops are being asked to do back-to-back tours and it wears on them and their families just like it would anybody...and someone like Gutfield who clearly has not experienced anything similar to what any country's military men, women, and their families go through has no right to ridicule what they'd be doing if they got some much deserved rest. But, take into account that the US forces are bigger and receive MUCH more funding than the Canadian forces.
THANK GOODNESS most US citizens have more sense than the people on the Gutfield show, and support any troops that are out there risking their lives for their countries and the countries of others.
The Canadain military is NOT perfect (I don't know of ANY military organization that is), and has its faults...but to go after our men and women who are DYING to help keep Afghanistan under control is a very low blow. I don't think the US would react well to idiots from other countries putting down their military men and women.
I know children in kindergarten who have more maturity than Gutfield, who has nothing more intelligent to comment on than Andrew Leslie's last name. (Especially when it would be even easier to ask: "What kind of a last name is Gutfield?" Does Gutfield not realize that most people his age are past this kind of schoolyard behaviour?)
I don't even know why I'm getting riled up about a man so childish as to have a website with the slogan: "Handkerchief of hardness soaked in a sneeze of snot", this man clearly does not have two brain cells to rub together.
Well, that was just sickening. There's actually a Q&A thread at the A Special Thing forums for Doug Benson, who appears in that video, so I just left him a question: Did he know that this video aired the same day that four Canadian soldiers died in Afghanistan and that his ignorant, jingoistic asshattery has cost him his fanbase here?
Eat shit and die Greg Gutfield Ignorant son of a bitch.....
Why doesn't Fox send that bunch to Afghanistan and imbed them with the Canadian army and see what they do. When I listen to them I can see how ignorant they are and don't know a thing about Canada.
Way to go there, Greg! An especially nice commentary as 4 more Canadian soldiers are on the way home after giving their lives for a mission they believed in. Nice tribute to those soldiers families and Canada, not to mention all the efforts and blood spent over the past few years by Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.
I've seen a lot of stuff on the news over the years but your comments and your friends snide, callous comments are height of ignorance.
I wonder what American soldiers who have fought side by side with Canadian soldiers think of your infantile comments.
With so called friends like you, who needs enemies.