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Ayn Rand’s 1959 Interview with Mike Wallace

Since I’ve been mentioning Ayn Rand and her followers in the past couple of posts, I thought it was only fair to let Ms. Rand speak for herself. Here’s an Ayn Rand interview with Mike Wallace in two parts.

If you’ve never heard her speak, you might be surprised at her accent. It’s not the upper-class “Locust Valley Lockjaw” (imagine Katherine Hepburn or Thurston Howell III) that many people imagine she has; it’s more of a “Boris and Natasha” one – you can almost imagine her plotting to make “beeg trouble for Moose and Squirrel”.

(I never quite understood how people who describe themselves as “Christian” are such big fans of Rand; I suspect she would’ve tried to cockpunch Jesus after the Sermon on the Mount.)

Joey deVilla

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  • There are intellectuals and then there are smart thinkers. Intellectuals tend to gather in groups, talk smartly and have little concern for practical application. Smart thinkers tend to include those who look out the window and see a world that is not perfect and cannot sit as a model or become a broad laboratory for social test cases without breaking down. Unfortunately, intellectuals can be disguised as smart thinkers and we end up with the pendulum that takes society or parts of it from the far end of one spectrum to the far end of the opposing spectrum, creating the equivalent of a super bowl team that has 11 quarterbacks (are there 11 on the field in Canada?). The counterbalance is that not too bright people can also masquerade as smart thinkers and we get the U.S. Congress - pick either party, especially the leadership. Not enough space to print my book - "Atlas Stubbed his Toe".

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