One of the nice things about my job is that they actually ask me to incorporate the accordion into it. Yesterday, we shot this video featuring me on accordion promoting the upcoming Make Web Not War event happening next week right here in Accordion City. Think of it as another of my contributions to Accordion Awareness Month:

MAKE WEB NOT WAR – VIDEO FOUR – TORONTO from The Biz Media on Vimeo.

There’s only one mistake in the video – “accordion” is misspelled. If you’d like the follow me on Twitter, the correct ID is AccordionGuy, not AccordianGuy.

For more details about Make Web Not War, see:

Joey deVilla

View Comments

  • Crap, the one night I have a meeting. I wish I could have made that. Have another.

  • News flash - The Grammy awards have dropped the polka category -- no more accordian highlights. So sad.

  • Damn typo!

    I was 5 months late on this one! My apologies sir!
    We made this video and it's totally ridiculous but it was funny to us at the time.

    We wondered what it would be like if you performed with Nine Inch Nails. This is the best we could come up with.

    ENJOY =)

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