The tornado isn’t all that spectacular (as far as tornadoes go, anyway), nor is the phonecam footage remarkable in any way. What makes this video is the high-larious drama-queen dialogue. I’m downloading this sucker before the guy wises up and yanks it off YouTube.

I hereby give this video the Drama Queen seal of approval:

[Thanks to the Ginger Ninja for the heads-up!]

Joey deVilla

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  • As drama queen as he was at least he was bright enough to stop recording and head for the basement. As far as I can tell, the actual tornado in Vaughn touched down a few blocks from there.

  • This is the same as the Yonge/Bloor "tornado" video; what he thinks is a tornado is actually just the wall cloud (mesocyclone). Which does rotate (slowly), and is the part of the cell that spawns tornadoes, but is not actually a tornado itself.

    But yeah the over-the-top-ness makes it good. =)

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