Categories: LifePlay

The Ugly Truth

Joey deVilla

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  • Just as lesbians doesn't exist.
    I been looking for lesbians but I couldn't find any, so therefore they doesn't exist.

  • I can't see Oxygen - It isn't there
    I can't find my phone - It doesn't exist
    I couldn't see Nick Clegg in power - It didn't happen

  • This looks like an exerpt from the Onion. This couldn't possibly be a real article. What kind of journalist would write such a report!? It's ludicrous. I suppose if you were polling college males at Arizona State University it might be more accurate.
    If it's a joke, it's funny. If it's not a joke, then it is outrageous.

  • Is it really that unbelievable? As a young man myself, I can't honestly say that I haven't seen pornographic material. I don't know of a single person, man or woman, that hasn't either. There really isn't a long list of things that a reporter WOULDN'T put in a news article, though a story is as goo as any.

    I jut don't believe that it's as far fetched as you might think it is.

  • Actually, you'd be surprise how many men don't watch porn. I think thers a third variable the school wasn't considering.

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