Categories: Life

The World’s Most Terrifying Children’s Book

The blog Awful Library Books recently featured what I consider to be the world’s most terrifying children’s book: Don’t Make Me Go Back, Mommy: A Child’s Book About Satanic Ritual Abuse:

It would seem that Satanists have their own version of “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”:

Form follows function in this book, with dreadful pencil-crayon illustrations matching the dreadful prose:

For more, see these articles in Awful Library Books: Satan for Kids and Satan for Kids, Part 2.

Joey deVilla

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  • This is, of course, complete fiction. Only people who believe the Hollywood's easy vilification of Satanism would believe this crap. REAL Satanism isn't like in M.N. Shamalan's "Devil" or..."Paranormal Activity?" To learn about REAL Satanism, which is NOT the worship of Satan but the opposition of the church (which isn't done with "Magic Circle Time Naked Kid Incantations"), look at

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