Michael Steele Wants You to Know He’s the Best Boss Ever!

Before the “Bush 43” years, and especially during the early ‘90s, when I was at Crazy Go Nuts University, I often voiced my observation that:

  • Conservatives were people you didn’t necessarily agree with politically, but found likeable and would gladly invite to a party, wedding, kegger or road trip, and
  • Liberals were people with whom you might agree on a political level, but were tiresome and always threatening to invite you to some rally or other tiresome crashing bore of an event.

I miss the Barry Goldwater conservatives of yore and look forward to the day when they oust the Fox News/End Times-insane among their ranks. I don’t know if any of the Republican Party interns in the photos below posing with Chairman Michael Steele are the more sensible sort, but at least the poses in these photos – which are rather like the poses I’d do with my boss and coworkers – are a glimmer of hope that not all conservatives have gone tragically, completely and humourlessly off the rails.

Joey deVilla

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  • Luke: To exaggerate slightly, it's my preferred model for leadership, period. I make it a point to not work for anyone who can't let their hair down once in a while or let me do it for them.

  • I concur with Joey. Humourless bosses are not at all in short supply. If you have to deal with one day in and day out, they might as well be funny.

  • We just had eight years of George W Bush because Americans wanted a leader they could enjoy a beer with. Unlike most Americans, I have friends to drink with so I never saw the attraction of Mr. Bush. I don't choose my plumber because I'd enjoy drinking beer with him. I don't choose my doctor because I'd enjoy drinking a beer with him. The same goes for my boss, my congress critter or my president.

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