
Swingin’ on the BART

I don’t know what the backstory is, but a group of people decided to have a little fun on BART – that’s short for Bay Area Rapid Transit, the San Francisco-and-surroundign-areas commuter train – and set up some swings. The action was captured in this Flickr set, which includes the photo below:

Guy on a swing hanging from the overhead rails inside a BART train car

Looking at these photos reminded me of Accordion City’s late and lamented Secret Swing, which I didn’t know has its own entry in Wikipedia.


Type Nesting

Birds nesting in the letter "A" in signs

Type Nesting is a site that’s focused on a single topic: photos of birds nesting in the letters of signs. They really seem to like uppercase As and Rs.

[Found via]

The Current Situation

Chris Taylor on the Air Force One Fly-By

Air Force One flyby Photo by istolethetv, found via Chris Taylor.

I am only a casual military buff, and my interest is largely in military aircraft. When it comes to dropping serious military science, my neighbour Chris Taylor is the the go-to guy, and his blog, Taylor & Company, is chock full of good bits about the topic. His most recent blog post may have the best title about the  recent Air Force One incident: A 380,000 pound, 4-engine airliner will be zipping around the Statue of Liberty at 1500 feet, but you have to keep it a secret.

Damn, that’s funny.

Chris also left a great comment to my earlier post about the incident. I thought it was worthy of elevating to a full-on article, so I’ve included it below:

The White House, FAA and Air Force need to be a little more forthcoming.

First of all the FAA didn’t issue a NOTAM for ZNY ARTCC, which would have told any interested civil pilots., whose route might take them nearby, that a 747 variant would be zooming around the Statue of Liberty at 1500 feet. Sometimes presidential flights have their NOTAMs released at the last minute (or in secret cases, not at all). A picture shoot should not rate the same level of secrecy as an actual president-is-aboard flight.

Second, F-16s as a still camera platform? It’s doable, but not when you are trying to maintain formation with a manoeuvring flight lead. The F-16 is a single-seater, after all. They would have to have specifically sent up a two-seat trainer, which would put the combat cameraman in the back.

Which leads to the third problem. Most of the footage we have seen involves the F-16 flying echelon right (or in trail), with the VC-25 as lead. That means most of your pics are going to be from three-quarters behind, which don’t make for the best airplane glamour shots. Especially when your camera guy is in the back and most of his forward perspective is obscured by the guy flying the fighter. Typically you would want a side profile or oblique view from the front (compare existing VC-25 shots here). The F-16 should have been out in front (leading the VC-25) most of the time, or his shots are going to suck.

When civilians do this stuff, say for airline commercials (where you see the 747 roll into a hard turn, and peel off to the left like a fighter jet) they hire a larger, more stable—but still very nimble—camera platform, like a Gulfstream business jet, have it fly in formation with the airliner—typically ahead of it—run through it a half-dozen times, taking the shots they need, and then go home. A NOTAM would be published, that part of the airspace would get closed for a specified period of time, ATC would keep other air traffic well away from it.

Now, since the Statue of Liberty is already part of an existing TFR area, the airspace is already closed. But publishing an additional NOTAM, plus allowing the local authorities (who did know, but were instructed not to publicise it) to get the word out, could have avoided this whole mess.

As for the other points… there’s no doubt good and entirely ordinary explanations for them, but keeping it all under wraps makes the whole thing look much worse than it actually was.

After reading it, I began to wonder why they didn’t do the opposite of keeping it a secret: why not make a big announcement about it and treat it as a mini-air show?

If the response to the air show we have at the Canadian National Exhibition here in Toronto is any indication, it would be a big hit. People, especially in the States, love air shows. If it were me, I’d see if I could get a team like the Blue Angels (they’re Navy – who’s the Air Force equivalent?) to fly in formation behind the big bird.

In fact, a pre-announced Air Force One air show might even garner an extra PR boost from the additional “viral marketing” that would come from people posting their Air Force One photos taken from New York’s many good vantage points on their Facebooks and on Flickr. It’s the sort of social media thing for which the Air Force has shown a considerable amount of savvy.

The Current Situation

The “Top Gun” / Air Force One Remix Opportunity

Air Force One

By now, you’re probably aware of the blunder in which a VC-25 (that’s a souped-up Boeing 747) that sometimes serves as Air Force One, the president’s plane, did a number of  low fly-bys over New York City while followed by a fighter plane, causing a fair bit of panic in the city. And for what? A photo op?

(For a change of pace, let me point you to how the story is being covered in Hot Air, one of the premier sites in the right-wing blogosphere to show you how it’s playing out there.)

While the pro-Obama camp see this as a facepalm moment – it’s not just a PR problem for evoking 9/11, but also for the expense as well as the waste of fuel since planes, especially big ones, use lots of juice at low altitudes — and the anti-Obama camp call this a harbinger of the time when he hands over America to its enemies, I choose to view this as a remix opportunity. If you’ve got the time and the video editing software, this is the perfect opportunity to remix the “buzz the tower” scene from Top Gun:

It Happened to Me

More Assless Chaps Photos

I’ll admit it: I like typing out the phrase “assless chaps”. Here are a couple more photos of me showing off said assless chaps in the speaker’s room at Saturday’s Toronto Code Camp (which I wrote about in this post).

Here I am holding up the assless chaps prior to donning them:


…and here I am modelling them for the nerd paparazzi:



Bacon Pops!

Bacon pops: lollipops made of goat cheese rolled in bacon and herbs

Bacon Pops sound like a tasty hors d’ouevre: goat cheese lollipops, rolled in herbs, pecans and…bacon! I’ve gotta make these sometime.


Toronto Developer Lunch Today


If you’re near Accordion City’s downtown Chinatown area, drop by Sky Dragon restaurant (top floor of Dragon City mall on the southwest corner of Spadina and Dundas) for Developer Lunch today! Kristan “Krispy” Uccelo has been organizing this series of lunches for the past year as a way for local developers to get together and make connections over a tasty dim sum lunch. I’ll be there, along with the other programmers, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.. If you don’t spot an obvious-looking table of nerds, ask the hosts for the back room; that’s where we’ll be.