
Why He Became Darth Vader

This article originally appeared in Global Nerdy.

Photo courtesy of Matt Gunn.


Dogs of a Different Religion

I don’t know if these bumper stickers actually exist, but if they don’t, someone should make them!



You’re a Bad Man, Chris Brown

Jeremy Barker (whose blog is Popped Culture) pointed me to Mad’s comic starring Charlie Brown as Chris Brown. It’s a fitting follow-up to my earlier posting featuring Peanuts done in the style of Sin City…

chrisbrown_comicsClick the comic to see it at full size.


Jon Stewart is One of the Watchmen!

I love this doctored Watchmen movie poster featuring The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart as “The Comedian”:

"Watchmen" movie poster with Jon Stewart's head on The Comedian's body


“Hark! A Vagrant!”: Kate Beaton’s New Comics Site

Funny comic artist Kate Beaton (whose comic, The Origin of Man, was featured recently here) has a new historical comic on her new site, Hark, A Vagrant!, featuring Admiral Lord Nelson:

Kate Beaton comic on Lord Nelson's death


Probably a Bad Idea

Here’s an idea that most people – perhaps with the exception of Mitt Romney – might immediately discard as bad. Try and think of the many reasons why the “car-side dog sack” in the old newspaper clipping below is a bad idea. I’ll give you one: ol’ poochie’s going to get smacked in the head when the driver’s door opens:

Old newspaper clipping: "Dog Rides Comfortably in Sack on Running Board"


Ignite Your Career #3: “How to Establish and Maintain a Healthy Work/Life Balance”

I wrote this article for the blogs Canadian Developer Connection and Global Nerdy, but I thought that it might be interesting to people outside the tech industry. It’s about a particular webcast in an ongoing series by Microsoft called Ignite Your Career. If you’re interested in catching the webcast, it takes place this Tuesday at 12:00 noon Eastern, runs for an hour and costs nothing.

A balancing rock in the desert

This Week’s Topic

This week’s topic for Ignite Your Career – our webcast series featuring experts from the Canadian tech industry and aimed at supporting your career development – is one that’s on a lot of people’s minds: How to Establish and Maintain a Healthy Work/Life Balance. Here’s the abstract:

With mobile technologies and our always-on culture, it’s imperative to establish and maintain a balance between work and life. If your only time to manage change in your environment is after hours, how can you maintain a healthy balance without burning out? How do you manage change so that you can develop your career and spend time with loved ones? This panel discussion will connect you to individuals who strive to establish and maintain this balance.

This webcast’s panelists are:

Mack Male

Mack Male
Mack is a software developer, entrepreneur, and social media guy. During the day he works for Questionmark Computing. Most of the rest of the time, he’s keeping up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies, and loves sharing what he learns with others. Mack is particularly passionate about his hometown, Edmonton, and does his best to expose everything it has to offer.

Cameron McKay

Cameron McKay
Cameron works for McKesson Canada, one of the largest Healthcare companies in the world as the Team Leader of the Infrastructure and Support Services Group in Toronto. An expert in Virtualization and Green IT, Cameron enjoys sharing his knowledge with the IT community through speaking engagements, blogs, and webcasts.

Paul Gossen

Paul Gossen
After 30 years as a successful serial entrepreneur and business leadership innovator Paul Gossen is well known for his credibility and high impact results in corporate coaching, team productivity and organizational transformation


Mark Blevis

Mark Blevis
Mark Blevis is an energetic public speaker, social media strategist, community leader, independent media producer and self-proclaimed Content Paleontologist. He is considered a thought-leader on social media and its potential and is regularly interviewed on radio and television.

Catching This Webcast

This webcast will first be broadcast this Tuesday, March 17th at 12:00 p.m. Eastern time (9:00 a.m. Pacific) and will be an hour long. It costs nothing to catch an Ignite Your Career webcast – all you have to do is register online with your Windows Live ID (which is also free).

Ignite Your Career is about maximizing your potential at work and helping you come up with a career plan in these difficult economic times. It’s not tied to any technology or vendor, so no matter what platform or tools you work with, we’re sure that you’ll find this webcast series informative and helpful.

Previous Ignite Your Career Webcasts

In case your missed the other two webcasts in this series, worry not – we’ve got them archived! Once again, they’re free to listen to – all you have to do is register online with your Windows Live ID.

The webcasts we’ve had so far in this series are:

  • Industry Insights and Trends
    The nature of technology is one of continual change; a fact of life for professionals in the ICT industry. As a result, you need to be on top of what is happening in the industry in order to position yourself and your organization to benefit from these trends. This panel discussion will arm you with the information you need from experts in the ICT industry in order to stay on top of your game.
    Speakers: Joel Semeniuk, Jeff Kempiners, Jay Payette and Paul Swinwood.
  • Discovering Your Trusted Resources
    Building a set of information sources and connecting with the community at-large are critical to your success in the ICT industry. This session brings successful community, technology, and information leaders together to share their experiences in discovering these resources. Our experts will help you learn how to identify credible sources and find the right tools, links and techniques to keep you up to date in a world of constant change.
    Speakers: Michael J. Sikorsky, Richard Campbell, and John Bristowe.

[Creative Commons photo by "Cpt. Spock".]