Categories: Life

Happy Easter, “Adolph”!

The two gents in the photo below, identified as “T/5 William E. Thomas and Pfc. Joseph Jackson” may not have spelled Hitler’s first name correctly (it’s Adolf), but that doesn’t mar the beauty of this photo:

Joey deVilla

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  • Love this photo.

    Joey, if you're into wartime photography, I have a coffee table book titled "The War" by Ken Burns. I'd be happy to lend it to you.

    Also, if I remember correctly, one of Hitler's Division's was named the Adolph Hitler Division. I could be wrong about the spelling though. ;)

  • Actually it's the older English way of spelling his name. Adolf is the German way of spelling it.

    At least, as far as I know.

  • @Justin, you do remember correctly: Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler which by
    war's end was 1 SS Panzer Division Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler.

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