Categories: Life

Ah, San Francisco

Photo from James Fallows’ blog at The Atlantic’s site.

Yes, the yoga mats are going to be used in Port-au-Prince’s overcrowded hospitals, but this sign found in San Francisco’s Marina area (if you’re ashamed of its yuppie/douchebag factor, you call it “Cow Hollow”) just seems so delightfully San Francisco. If you’ve ever lived there – I did, back during The Bubble — you know what I mean.

Joey deVilla

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  • Yuck, the Marina. We actually met at a bar in SF (I don't remember which one, somewhere in the Mission I think). At that time I lived in the Lower Haight, where we looked down our noses at the "Frat Boys and Sorority Sisters" in the Marina.

  • Winston: You're right. I'll change it to "dot-com bubble".

    Matt Rose: A bar near 16th and Mission, I think. Gonna need to look through my photo archives.

    God of Biscuits: I know, but many people who don't want to say that they live there often say "Cow Hollow" or "around Cow Hollow".

  • Yeah, I think you're right. I'm surprised you remember. I only remember because of the Accordion :)

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