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No One Will Mistake It for Theirs

The standard-issue machine at Shopify, which is still mostly techies, then designers, then “suits”, is a 15″ MacBook Pro (Quad-core i7 running at 2.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM and hooray, the trackpad supports right-clicking). It’s sleek, it’s sexy, and I’m just as fond of it as I was of my favourite “axe” when I was a Microsoftie: the Dellasaurus (a ridiculously souped-up orange 17″ Dell Precision M6500 with 16 gigs of RAM).

The problem is that in an office where fifty or so people have the exact same machine, you need some way of telling yours from the others’. I figure no one else in the office — and perhaps very, very few people on the planet — would ever put an IE9 sticker on a Mac. I put in on a few moments ago as of this writing, and I think that Steve Jobs is feeling a disturbance in The Force right now.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.

Joey deVilla

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  • Hopefully this will be like the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Ark burned off the Nazi symbols from the inside.

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