
Merry Christmas!

I hope that if the moment comes, I have the courage to do what Reginald does in the dystopian Christmas of the future, as depicted below:

scrooginald 3

Click the comic to see the original.

(Nedroid has a gift for making comics that are simultaneously touching and disturbing. Go visit for more!)

crablouse in santa hat

While the opportunities for you to make the ultimate sacrifice to save your best friend at Christmas are (thankfully) few, there are always opportunities to participate in your own act of giving that’s both touching and disturbing. My own story, The Best Christmas Present Ever, will warm both your heart and your crotch, and it stars a Facebook friend of mine who will go unnamed. It’s got Christmas, crablice and cream – what more could you want?

But seriously: if there was ever a time of the year to practice random acts of kindness, this is it. Be good and do good.

furry female santa

(I try to be open-minded, but I do not consider the above to be doing good for anyone, especially the unfortunate in the fursuit.)

So whether you celebrate Christmas now or in January (as a number of my eastern European friends do), Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, just a couple of days off or perhaps some kind of homebrewed festival to integrate the holidays into your Klingon lifestyle…

klingon santa

…have a great holiday. Drive safely, drink responsibly, do unto others and try not to get arrested. I myself make no promises about that last one.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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