Maybe it’s me getting older, but I’ve been noticing a surge in “yummy mummies”, full of MILFy goodness, on many of my flights. The downside to all this is that they usually come accompanied by “babies with rabies”, as I like to call them. They put a bit of a damper on things; how can I put my new “Bachelor 2.0” moves on them when the little rugrats are bounding about, screaming and generally getting in the way?
WestJet’s announcement made earlier today is great news for me: child-free flights, thanks to the Kargo Kids program! Now travellers can enjoy peace and quiet, while the little dumplins’ get a magical ride in the supervised cargo hold! Best of all, they get to ride several conveyor belts — it’s just like many rides at Disneyland, but with luggage!
Kids don’t want to board a plane through the boring ol’ jetway.
They want to go through the really cool and exciting cargo bay door!
It’s wins all ’round: the kids have a blast, adult passengers get a peaceful flight, and I get to hand out mile-high club memberships to the red hot mamas.