I like to see my friends succeed, and one such friend is Miguel Carrasco, a techie whom I had the privilege of meeting during my days at Microsoft. He’s a techie whose life changed in April when he noticed a tingling sensation in his right hand that spread to his entire arm and was accompanied by a tired feeling. These symptoms led him to the hospital, which in turn led him to a health epiphany.
If you ignore the “axe murderer” face that Miguel’s making for the camera, you’ll see a guy who weighed a trim 170 pounds in August, and who does a 5K run four times a week. This is a dramatic change from the old Miguel circa April, who was 45 pounds heavier and couldn’t make a run five houses past his own.
He’s decided to share his fitness journey on a new blog called Smart Ass Fitness. If you’ve been thinking about making a change in your life and getting into shape, you might find Miguel’s new blog helpful and inspiring.
And remember the golden rule of getting better at anything: consistency beats intensity!
One reply on “Smart Ass Fitness: Miguel Carrasco’s New Fitness Blog”
Hi Joey,
Thanks for the write up. Really hope the blog helps move some people to take action and start getting into the best shape of their lives!
Miguel Carrasco