
Tonight’s Book Launch Party for A.G. Pasquella’s New Book, “NewTown”

I’ll be in Mirvish Village tonight to catch the book launch of NewTown, the new novel by my old Crazy Go Nuts University classmate A.G. Pasquella. His previous novel, Why Not a Spider Monkey Jesus?, a tale of science gone wrong and primate televangelism gone even more so, was a hoot; I expect no less from his latest offering.

Here’s a quick description of NewTown:

As The World burns: a cybernetic man-plane does the dishes. A chef muses about the best way to cook space horse. A mad scientist bemoans the loss of his robot army. Another mad scientist plots to create fireproof cows. A teenage boy teleports toward the girl of his dreams. Can any of them unlock the secrets of NewTown?

The launch takes place tonight from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Victory Cafe (581 Markham Street, just west and south of Bathurst Station) and will feature readings and performance from A.G. himself, along with special guests Shari Kasman, Michael Murray, Jacqueline Valencia.

For more details about the book launch, see A.G.’s article.

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