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Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You His Worship Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto, and His Fans

sarah thomson and rob fordsarah thomson and rob ford

“I’m gonna show her my O-face.”

Former Toronto mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson posted in Facebook that she ran into Toronto’s Peter Griffin-esque mayor Rob Ford at a Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee (CJPAC) party earlier this week when the photo above was taken. Here’s her description of what happened:

Thought it was a friendly hello to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at the CJPAC Action Party tonight until he suggested I should have been in Florida with him last week because his wife wasn’t there. Seriously wanted to punch him in the face. Happy International Women’s Day!

While it has yet to be established whether or not things happened as Ms. Thomson describes, two things are readily apparent:

  • Ford’s rabid fan base and the “men’s rights” crew are out there in full force, ready to take on the “feminazis” who are out there to be all uppity and mess up The Natural Order of Things. Just take a look at the comments on the Facebook posting as well as in the Toronto Sun.
  • Ford really needs to learn how to do photo-ops. Or get a photographer who doesn’t hate him.

His look in the photo above and the alleged situation reminds me of this scene from Return of the Jedi:

jabba and leiajabba and leia

Joey deVilla

View Comments

  • Even Jabba wouldn't wear a shirt that fit him so poorly, but it's the stain on the front that makes it for me.

  • Without delving into pro/anti-Ford debate, this picture simply looks like a photo of a guy mid-blink. It's unfortunate that he seems to be his own worst enemy at times, and that I only seem to see this type of reporting on the mayor. Call me cynical for not caring about the b.s. that's posted about him, I just want to know about his actual mayoral performance and what's happening that actually affects people living in Toronto. Mayor gettin' giggy wid it: don't care. Mayor doing something affecting, for example, public transit: do care.

  • Is that some kind of brain-sucking space slug crawling around under the skin on his forehead? It would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

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