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“Douche V’s” Reasons Why Toronto is the Worst City in North America for Men

Yes, this “pickup artist” and self-proclaimed “love tourist and fat shamer’s” nom de guerre is Roosh V (actual name Roosh Valizedah) but in my opinion, Douche V might be a better handle. One of the better-known members of the “PUA (Pickup Artist) Community” or the “Seduction Community“, Roosh has written many books on mastering the art of the one-night stand with titles like Bang: More Lays in 60 Days, Day Bang: How to Casually Pick Up Girls During the Day, 30 Bangs: The Shaping of One Man’s Game from Patient Mouse to Rabid Wolf, Bang Lithuania, Bang Poland, Bang Ukraine, Bang Iceland, Bang Colombia, Don’t Bang Denmark and Don’t Bang Latvia. The astute reader will notice a recurring theme. Roosh’s writings are not confined to his books — you can also check out his Twitter account as well as his blog, where you’ll be able to find gems like:

  • Are You a Real Man?: “If you can’t get laid with multiple women, you’re not a real man, plain and simple. If you can’t mate with superior genes then you’re a blight on the human condition, and should be euthanized. What else is there more important to human existence than fucking? Nothing.”
  • Western Culture Poisons Women. Apparently, self-esteem for women is a bad thing and must be stopped: “A few weeks ago I met a tall Polish girl who lived in America for two years. She tried to make fun of me for being alone in the club, when she was in fact alone herself. She smiled while busting my balls, as if she was getting enjoyment out of it. I hadn’t had to come up with insult retorts in quite a while, so it took me time to deploy my counterattacks. They were guided in by GPS satellites, beautifully destroying their target. Her face turned sour and she looked like she was about to cry.”
  • The United States of Broken Women: “If a Puerto Rican girl likes me, she’d invite me to her home to bake a dish from her country that she suspects I might like. An American girl will offer me her Chipotle leftovers or make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, untoasted. Do I need a girl to cook delicious food for me? No. I don’t need a girl to do anything but spread her legs, but these optional things hit the provider buttons of my brain, telling me that I can put more effort and investment into the girl. They tell me to take a short break from the game and enjoy at least a little bit of time with this new person.”
  • Never Listen to a Woman: “I’ve observed almost no cases where a man’s status or position has been increased from following a woman’s advice or opinions, and it’s much more likely for him to be harmed from it.”

The quote that best sums up his attitude: “I’ll be the first to admit that many of my bangs in the United States were hate fucks. The masculine attitude and lack of care these women put into their style or hair irritated me, so I made it a point to fuck them and never call again.”

Therein lies the dilemma of the pickup artist/seduction community: it’s about attracting women, but holding them in contempt at the same time.

(If you’d like to find out more, see the Jezebel article, The Angry Underground World of Failed Pickup Artists.)

Roosh’s charming views landed him a listing in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Spring 2012 Intelligence Report, titled The Year in Hate and Extremism 2011 under the section: Misogyny: The Sites. He’s listed as part of the so-called “manosphere”, a collection of “websites, blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general.”

This photo comes from an article in Washington City Paper with the Onion-like title Blogger Stud Living in Dad’s Basement, Writing Second Book on How to Get Laid.

Roosh V used to think that Washington DC was the worst place for men in North America, but in a recent posting, he says that Accordion City now has to take that title. In his laundry list titled 15 Reasons Why Toronto is the Worst City in North America for Men, his reasons are:

  1. Girls are more excited about getting late night food than having sex
  2. Girls cockblock more than anywhere else in the world
  3. Girls think they are cooler than they actually are
  4. Girls are obese
  5. Girls don’t give eye contact
  6. You have to be approved by the “mother hen”
  7. Too many Asian and Indian girls
  8. Ugly girls are desperate while attractive girls are inaccessible
  9. The entrenched PUA culture is raising the egos of all women
  10. Last call is at 2am
  11. If you make just one mistake with a Toronto girl, you will be rejected
  12. It’s very expensive
  13. It’s a suburban city
  14. It takes a lot of work to date up
  15. It beats men down

Okay, I’ll agree with number 10: last call at 2 a.m. is lame. Number 7 is obnoxiously racist, but unsurprising.

The revealing one is number 14: “It takes a lot of work to date up”. It sums up Roosh’s world view: “I, as a man, can be of average appearance and bereft of charm, but you as a woman had better be hot and submissive. After all, you’re just a life support system for a vagina.”

I have to salute the women of Toronto with a filet mignon on a flaming sword for giving Roosh a hard time! Perhaps it’ll keep him away forever.

If you’ve read this far, check this out: My Invitation to Become a Pickup Artist.

Joey deVilla

View Comments

  • Yuck. Hadn't heard of him...but thanks for pointing out that this guy's vitriol is all about contempt. Big shame there's an audience for it.

    And big salutations to Toronto - best list to be on :)

  • #7 is not racist.

    Toronto is a shit hole. It is absolutely the worst place to live in Canada. Even Winnipeg, a city with almost nothing to do beats it by a mile because of the amazing people who live there. The only cool people in Toronto are people who are originally not from there. Roosh's descriptions of Toronto are 100% accurate and so are his descriptions of Montreal. Why would he hate on a city for no reason? Its his job to write what he observes in an edgy manner.

    I can also attest to #1, met some girls at The Madison and then they told me they wanted to go to Mcdonalds after eating pizza.

    "Therein lies the dilemma of the pickup artist/seduction community: it’s about attracting women, but holding them in contempt at the same time."

    There are a lot of guys in the community who genuinely want to become better with women, it just so happens that you become jaded when you do start experiencing success. Your willing to put up with less bull shit because you know you can easily meet another girl and she'll give you the same or more satisfaction than the girl who was giving you attitude can.

    If a girl is being cool right off the bat then theres no need for a "hate fuck". If she's playing games then why wouldn't you hold them in contempt.

  • Well, that certainly disproves the hell out of Joey's thesis that PUAs just see women as a series of interchangeable vaginas.

  • I love all the spreading of Roosh's ideas across the internet. Thanks for giving our esteemed, evil leader more of an audience.

  • Hmm, let's see the options:
    - your eval of Roosh V (regardless of name-calling)
    - your mention SPLC's dubious "misogyny" sites (yet SPLC has a curious absence of "misandry" sites)
    - your reference to a Jezebel (where all reason goes to die) article. Shocker!

    I trust my unbiased, non-ideological and rather in-depth following and awareness of all of the above.

    I vote for Roosh V. :-)

  • You're just scared that Roosh broke down this stuff to a mathematical level. Aint that easy to be a trick these days huh?

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