What, doesn’t that guy above look like a middle eastern preacher/carpenter?
In case you’re wondering, here’s a pic of Kenny Loggins:
And here’s a guess at what Jesus looked like (why was this a topic in Popular Mechanics?):
Oddly enough, if true, that would mean that Jesus would’ve made a great Klingon for the original Star Trek series:
Blessed are the honourable, for they shall enter Sto-vo-kor!
I can’t have a post that mentions Kenny Loggins’ Danger Zone without including this:
3 replies on “Kenny Loggins Died For Us All!”
My friend has pointed out that this man also looks great deal like Mark (oh hai, Mark) from The Room
I saw that Kenny Loggins spoof with the Jesus pamphlet. It ‘s been over a month since then, but it still bothers me, so I came back to leave a message. That remark about “no more bad songs” is such a slur. Kenny Loggins had fans going back to his Loggins and Messina days. Some of my favorite songs from that period include Danny’s Song, Fever Dream, A Love Song, Watching the River Run, Angry Eyes, Celebrate Me Home, and (of course) House at Pooh Corner.
It’s not Kenny’s fault that some of his later songs get played on the radio over and over and over and . . . .over and over. . . . and so on.
The soundtrack to my life includes his music. I could never speak of him as a buffoon. He has made many songs over the years that are real gems.
I thinks wrong on so many levels that anyone would make this guy out like he is Gods Son which he is not. And the photo of him holding a ball of fake energy that he cannot hold between his hands is blasphemy against God. The devils and Satan probably wanted him to do that. What they do in tai chi is evil and satanic. That thing about having chi in your hands. His photo holding energy is disrespect and hatred towards God. Blasphemy is a sin from the devils and he should repent of that.