
Flying Back to Canada Today

penguins in an airplane aisle

I’ll miss Tampa — and I’ll miss the girlfriend even more. I’ll see you folks in Toronto soon.

One reply on “Flying Back to Canada Today”

So a guy is driving down the 401 and sees a truck broken down and stops to offer help. The truck driver says “Yeah, my truck broke down. Can you take these two penguins to the Toronto Zoo? I’ll give you $2000”. The driver says “sure” and leaves with the two penguins.

A day later, the truck driver is on a flight to Florida when he sees the two penguins walking down the aisle. He jumps up and sees the guy and yells out “I gave you $2000 to take them to the Toronto Zoo!”.

“I did! And I had $1900 left over, so I thought I’d take them to see Disney World too”.

True story. You saw the pictyre.

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