
I’ll be in the San Francisco Bay Area Next Week!

Since my personal Great Reset, I’ve managed to pop up in San Francisco once a year.

The Golden Gate Bridge, enveloped in fog.

In early 2011, it was the site of my first post-separation non-date, which started off well, but went terribly, terribly wrong…

Cute girl playing a red accordion.

In mid-2012, I dropped by San Francisco for a whirlwind trip to do three job developer evangelist interviews with three startups. Two said “No thanks,” at the end, and one — who had me hanging out at their offices for two days, bouncing ideas off me and picking my brains — never got around to hiring anyone for the position. I also got to catch up with Tom Purves, Michele Perras, and Adam Schwabe at Tom and Michele’s fabulous Haight-Ashbury pad for shabu-shabu and great conversation.

Haight-Ashbury neighbourhood, looking uphill

And now, in late 2013, I’m coming back. This time it’s for a vacation I’d planned with this lovely lady…

Joey deVilla and girlfriend in bridesmaid's dress.

…and I’m there for some R&R, a little birthday celebrating, some chilling out before some really big life changes, and to see friends and family.

Are you in the San Francisco Bay Area? Do you want to catch up with us? Let me know in the usual ways: in the comments, via email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, whatever!

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