
The Rob Ford video fest [Updated]


He’s destroyed city council’s ability to do productive work, and with this batch of videos, he’ll destroy yours too!

The trailer for Rob Ford: The Movie

Cleverly put together by Toronto-based director Tristan Gough using clips from Chris Farley movies. It tells the Rob Ford story rather well!

Comedy skit: “Rob and Doug Ford hold a press conference”

Another 22 Minutes skit with Mark Critch playing Rob Ford and Mark McKinney (formerly of Kids in the Hall) as Doug. Some really funny jokes at the end.

Rob Ford-related Music

Chris Daughtry on Jimmy Kimmel – The Ballad of Rob Ford

This song includes a laundry list of things that are unbelievable-sounding but that Rob Ford actually did!

Ron Burgundy on Conan – Loverboy’ s Working for the Weekend

Will Ferrell makes an appearance on Conan as his Ron Burgundy character from Anchorman and performs Loverboy’s biggest hit as an ode to our mayor:

22 Minutes: What Does Rob Ford Say?

The Canadian news comedy show’s Rob Ford-themed parody of YLVIS’ What Does the Fox Say?

Various dance and hip-hop mixes based on Rob Ford interview samples

Expect more of these as the details of the police investigation get released and His Worship reacts.

DJ Steve Porter – Rob Ford Crack Remix

MixTheWeek – Rob “Crack” Ford Remix

KISS 92.5’s Crack Remix of SOS

Other TV and news appearances

The Daily Show – Tuesday, November 19th

daily show nov 19

Click this picture to view the video.

The Guardian’s collection of Rob Ford’s greatest hits

The remix of the Jean-Claude van Damme Volvo ad

Matt Lauer’s interview with Rob and Doug

The Drunk Driving Impression

Because he’s that kind of guy, he won’t let a confession to driving drunk and a previous DUI charge stop him from making fun of a city councillor who was pulled over by a police spot check and given a warning about driving while impaired, but not charged.

Whoopi Goldberg and Jay Leno

She makes a good point: crack addicts aren’t as, er, husky as the mayor.

All those crazy Taiwanese animated news pieces on our crazy mayor

Whenever something that’s at least mildly amusing makes the news, one of my first questions is “What’s the crazy Taiwanese animated take on this story?” The fine folks at Next Media Animation never disappoint me, and one of them even sent me an email saying that they enjoyed my Rob Ford will (ahem) go down in history with this quote piece, and could I please post their latest video?

For NMA? Of course! Hey, I’ll post ’em all:

Crack smoking Toronto mayor Rob Ford caught on tape!

Rob Ford’s drunk Greek life, and the Toronto mayor’s trip to jail

Rob Ford’s crack smoking video finally found by police!

Rob Ford eats beaver and smokes crack, video not attractive

Rob Ford stripped!… of most mayoral powers


They’re like the Ford Brothers, but they’re dogs!

ford brothers as dogs

However, they show remorse for making a mess, which is also easier to clean up.


That Look

that look

Thanks to ignaatz and Mozai for the idea!


I need to do this with my freezer. Or maybe someone else’s.

nicholson frozen in the shining

Click the photo to see it at full size.


Boston bound, but for a day

porter sepia

I’ve got bidniss to attend to in Beantown today. I’ll spill the details later. Wish me luck!


The CN Tower dons Philippine flag colours — thanks, Toronto!

cn tower philippine flag colors

In solidarity with the people of the Philippines in the wake of super typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, the CN Tower’s multicolour LED panel lighting system was set to the red, white, blue, and yellow of the Philippine flag on Monday and Tuesday nights. Thanks, Toronto.


In honour of the “Ford Nation” cancellation, here’s another show cancelled after just one episode: “Heil Honey I’m Home!”

ford nation smallAnd with the cancellation of Ford Nation after one mere episode — supposedly for the production costs; it took 5 hours to shoot 40-ish minutes of show, plus 8 hours of editing — Rob and Doug Ford, the mayor and the councillor who fancies himself the co-mayor of Toronto, join Wikipedia’s List of television series canceled after one episode.

As you might expect, the list contains TV shows with some stool-softeningly bad concepts. But even among all this list of disasters, one stands out: a 1990 British sitcom called Heil Honey I’m Home!

heil honey im home 2

A spoof of American sitcoms from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, Heil Honey I’m Home! features Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun as a Ralph and Alice Kramden-like couple living next door to a Jewish couple, the Goldensteins. It features a lot of tropes from old sitcoms, right down to the corny theme song, brain-dead plotline, and of course, the studio audience applause whenever a major character walks onto the set.

heil honey im home 1

The show opens with a title card that claims that the show was found in the archives in Burbank, California (“Television City”), perhaps as a hint to the audience that the show is a parody. The one and only episode’s plot is based around the Hitlers having Neville Chamberlain over for dinner in order to convince him that Adolf isn’t a troublemaker, but a decent, ordinary guy. He asks Eva to keep the visit a secret from the Goldensteins, but Eva can’t resist boasting about it, and they invite themselves over. Hilarity, one assumes, was meant to ensue.

It’s painfully bad. I’ve seen improv troupes do a better job with similar concepts. Needless to say, the program was controversial and was accused of trivializing the Nazis; others say it was a show in the same spirit as Hogan’s Heroes. It’s not surprising it was cancelled after just one episode.

If you’ve got nothing better to do, or just morbidly curious, here’s the entire uncut episode: