
Weekend diversions for you

The boy whose brain could unlock autism

the boy whose brain could unlock autism

If you’re looking for some interesting reading this weekend, consider The boy whose brain could unlock autism, a longish article on the autism research that Henry Markram is doing, thanks to his son, who was diagnosed with autism. Markram’s hyptothesis is one that many of us who have friends and family “on the spectrum” have long suspected: that they live in an intense world full of “frightful and oppressive noise”, where all their sensory input in cranked up to 11, and where they take in too much and learn too quickly. “While they may appear bereft of emotion,” the article goes, “…they are actually overwhelmed not only by their own emotions, but by the emotions of others.”

The amusing “engagement season” photo

This photo, titled “Engagement Season”, “won the internet” earlier this week:
engagement season

Click the photo to see it at full size.

Who even knew that a thing called “engagement season” existed? Hey, I’m all for marriage, but the marriage industry is twisting it into a creeping horror, and I empathize with Megan Jones, the woman pantomiming putting a gun to her head.

A news show in her area found her, and interviewed her:

“Somebody called me the enemy of love, which is great,” Jones said in an interview. She’s most likely not that, and her boyfriend says that the photo going viral is “pretty much the coolest thing to ever happen,” Jones said. I’m inclined to agree.

On high rotation on my sound system

Big History: Wolf Blood

If you have to hit the road today, put this on.

The Phenomenal Handclap Band: Shake

Pretty vocals, crunchy guitars, old-school synths, and all-round catchiness.

Porno Mathematics: Zelda Bitches

This one’s about video games and hot girl-on-girl action. Not safe work work or little kids. You’ve been warned.

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