
Today’s the last day you can watch Col. Chris Hadfield’s “Space Oddity” cover on YouTube

chris hadfield space oddity

Click the photo to watch the video.

Today, Tuesday, May 13th, 2014, is the last day you can watch the video of David Bowie’s Space Oddity that Colonel Chris Hadfield recorded aboard the International Space Station.

He was able to get a license for the song for a year, and that year’s up. So go watch it now, before it vanishes!

(Or if you’re feeling like a bit of a rebel, you may want to download it before it disappears. It doesn’t take much searching to find out how to download YouTube videos.)


Too bad the “Bathe & Brew” isn’t real

bathe and brew

The “Bathe & Brew” combination coffee maker / shower soap dispenser sounds like a great idea if you ignore certain practical problems. It’s also not real, but the key component of the Prank Gift Box kit, available for US$6.99 at Amazon:

prank gift box

Found via Liz Lawley.


The key to winning at life is staying focused on your goals

Here’s a little inspiration to help you get going on a Monday:

doesn't matter got noodles


The Mother’s Day present for kids who like to live dangerously

world's okayest mom


Available here, if you dare. You can also get this on T-shirts, iPhone cases, tote bags, and even throw pillows and rugs.

I’m thinking about giving this one to Mom sometime:

Lord give me coffee


Happy Mother’s Day…from SHAFT!

It’s tradition here on The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century to wish all you moms out there a happy Mother’s Day from the baddest mother… — shut yo’ mouth — I’m talkin’ ’bout Shaft!


You shouldn’t be surprised that this magazine exists

modern cat

Click the photo to see

You should be disappointed, but not surprised. Happy Caturday, anyway.


The Polish proverb of the day is also the best way to approach Rob Ford’s rehab stint

not my circus not my monkey

Inspired by Elizabeth Rounsvall’s tweet, which I found via Jeff Fedor.