The move to Tampa wasn’t just about the job, as nice as it is. It was all about Anitra. And after two and a half years together, it’s time to make things official.
We’re getting married. No idea when, no idea where (other than “somewhere in the Accordion Bay area”), and the “how” will be sorted out. But we know why.
9 replies on “…and the adventure continues!”
Wooohooo!! That’s awesome news! Congratualtions!
Congrats, Joey! Great news and I’m very happy for you and Anitra. All the best.
Just another desperate attempt to get a green card?
Best wishes for many years of happiness together!
Just catching up with all my old friends. Somehow I completely missed the news that you and Anitra were dating and now engaged! Whoo, congratulations!
Give Anitra a “hello” from me.