
Do they still put these seats in station wagons?

I used to love riding in these things:

Photo: "What they were": rear-facing seats in the back of a station wagon / "What they felt like": Han Solo in the seat of one of the Millennium Falcon's gun turrets

Do they still have these in modern station wagons?

And for old times’ sake…

3 replies on “Do they still put these seats in station wagons?”

Hi Joey,

The car in the photo appeared to me to be pretty modern (touch screen on the dash, etc.), so I did a little digging.

I appears that the car in the image is Mercedes E-Class Wagon.

So the answer to “Do they still have these in modern station wagons?” is “Yes, yes they do.”


I’m actually doing a website for a company here in California that makes and installs them. They were just recently featured on Jay Leno’s garage. They actually buy back your seat for 1/3 the price you paid after you’re done using it. All their seats are hand made. Pretty cool operation.

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