Booker T. Jones on the Hammond B-3 organ. Perhaps you’ve heard his number Green Onions.
Miracle of miracles, for the first time in I-don’t-know-how-long, I’ve got a full day with no meetings, conference calls, brainstorming sessions, chats, nuthin’! This means I can get some actual work done, and I’ve been chugging away at it since 7:30 this morning, something that’s relatively easy to do when you have a five-second commute:
The home office. Click to see it at full size.
A home office means that you can also crank the tunes, and I’ve found the Groovy Jazz Organ compilation to be productivity-boosting. Some kind soul has posted them on YouTube, and I’ve posted them here for your enjoyment, whether you’ve got your nose to the grindstone or in a martini glass.
Here’s wishing Alex Bruesewitz a speedy recovery — yes, he’s behind a racist lie that endangers…
Since it’s Sunday, it’s time for me to post the memes, pictures, and cartoons floating…
Since it’s Sunday, it’s time for me to post the memes, pictures, and cartoons floating…
It’s not just a new week, but a new month! And since it’s Sunday, it’s…
Here’s a special edition of my weekly picdump that features Thanksgiving-themed pictures, infographics, and meme.…
Here’s an early treat in advance of the special Thanksgiving-themed picdump that I’ll post tomorrow.