In case you were wondering, I live in the area marked “Strip Clubs” — Tampa has a rep for being the peeler capital of the world, although that’s not really the case. We do have a colorful local who built an empire on exotic dancing, though.
Month: December 2015
Found via Oliver Willis. Click to see the source.
If the news about Tamir Rice wasn’t a sign that something’s terribly wrong with the state of American law enforcement, how about the fact that as of December 21st, there are 14 large police departments that killed only black people?
R.I.P. Lemmy
So long, and thanks for all the beautiful noise. On the bright side, he’s one with The Force now.
In his honor:
I knew it!
Note that there are no reindeer. My guess is that they met the same fate as Luke Skywalker’s tauntaun.