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This is what irony deficiency looks like

You’re right, miss: that’s two families.

I don’t know where these two people live, but they’re at an anti gay marriage gathering in Italy (and the wrong side of history), whose past anti-miscegenation laws are unfamiliar to me. I am familiar with the U.S.’ laws, and a mere 50 years ago, it would’ve been illegal for them to marry. And even though the case of Loving v. Virginia struck down anti-miscegenation laws across the country in 1967, it took until 2000 for a certain very benighted backwater — I’m lookin’ at you, Alabama — to make black/white marriage legal. Even today, there are still some abhorrent people who’d find their pairing abhorrent.

Joey deVilla

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  • You would think people of different ancestral backgrounds would be less discriminatory minded, but this example sadly shows this not to be universally true. I wonder how this couple would respond to your challenge statement. Their response might be enlightening.

  • If stupidity and ignorance doesn't recognize boundaries of race or sexual orientation, I guess the rest of us can see past them too.


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