
Jammin’ with The Jackdaws

I always bring my accordion when I’m out for a beer — the accordion has proven time and again that it’s a machine that magically transforms music into free drinks. Last Saturday, I was out for beer along with anachronistic fun at Tampa’s Bay Area Renaissance Festival with Anitra:

Joey deVilla and Anitra Pavka at Tampa’s Bay Area Renaissance Festival in renaissance clothing, with a maypole and maypole dancers in the backgrounds.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

While at the festival, we made sure to catch the Gulfport-based Irish-American band The Jackdaws’ performance on the Pirate Pub stage. At one point, their guitarist, Whiplash, saw the accordion at my feet and said “Hey, an accordion in the audience! Do you know how to play that thing?”

“Yes, I do!” I replied, and that’s when he extended an invitation to join them on stage for a number.

The Irish-American band The Jackdaws play with Joey deVilla. From left to right: Constance on violin, Whiplash on Guitar, Joey deVilla on accordion, and Roxy on the drum.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

After giving me a quick rundown of the chords to Three Gypsies — D minor and A major — we launched into the number, where they kindly gave me a solo in the middle. At the end, they led the audience in a rousing cheer of “Joey! Joey! Joey!”:

The Irish-American band The Jackdaws lead the audience with fists raised to cheer Joey deVilla. From left to right: Constance on violin, Whiplash on Guitar, Joey deVilla on accordion, and Roxy on the drum.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

To thank them, and because they’re great musicians, I bought their CDs at the end of the performance. My thanks to The Jackdaws — Courtney, Roxy, and Whiplash — for letting me join them onstage!

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