
I’m all set for the eclipse!

Joey deVilla’s office desk, featuring solar eclipse glasses on his keyboard.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

Anitra ordered a dozen eclipse-viewing sunglasses months ago, so I’m prepared. I even have a spare pair to share with my officemates!

Luckily for me, the Sourcetoad office setup is such that I have to only walk fifteen paces to get outside:

The front door and bench outside Sourcetoad’s office, which is in a “boardwalk” style office complex over a pond.

So far, the weather looks like it’s going to cooperate. Here’s one view looking out from the front of the office:

View of pond behind Sourcetoad’s offices, featuring other offices in the same “boardwalk” complex.

Here’s another view, featuring the smoker’s gazebo:

View of pond behind Sourcetoad’s offices, featuring a gazebo at the endof a pier.

Want to know how the eclipse will travel across the U.S.? Watch this video:

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