
Seen on the Publix clearance shelf: The unhappiest adult diaper model

Click the photo to see it at full size.

The most entertaining part of our weekly grocery shopping trip is passing by the clearance shelf at our local grocery store, Publix, and seeing what’s there. I’ve found many interesting things there,  such as Frozen-branded lunch bags, Mardi Gras leftovers, lantern batteries, and hair care products from a bygone era. This week’s find was the photo on the packaging for the store-brand adult diapers.

Unlike Depends, where the models on their packaging are smiling…

…the expression on Publix’s model is a little more subdued:

Click the photo to see it at full size.

It’s that expression that gets me. I’m not sure if it says “I can’t believe I need these things!” or “I turned down an opportunity to be Ryan Reynolds’ stunt double…for this?!

Click the photo to see it at full size.

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