
The hot new fashion item of the moment: Cassie’s Corner’s “more pants than suit” pantsuit

Woman in an outfit that can best be described as a pair of giant pink off-the-shoulder flare pants

Click the photo to see the pink monstrosity in its full-size glory.

If you read the comments on only one Facebook post today, read the comments for the giant pink “more pants than suit” pantsuit that online shop Cassie’s Corner just added to their catalog. They are pure entertainment.

A couple of thoughts on this outfit:

  • Women’s pants with what appear to be decent-sized pockets — now there’s something you don’t see every day.
  • How do you go to the bathroom when wearing one of those things?
  • This might work for those performers who walk on stilts.
  • Hallowe’en 2018 costume, and for a mere $35!

One reply on “The hot new fashion item of the moment: Cassie’s Corner’s “more pants than suit” pantsuit”

Looks like a clown suit. The top portion of this jump suit is not flattering. She has no waist, hips, or any shape. She’s been swallowed by Pennywise.

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