Yesterday, I pointed you to an embarrassing self-own on Twitter by one Brad Anderson. It was in response to a discussion about the “sex strike” proposed by Alyssa Milano as a means of protesting the rather draconian anti-abortion laws recently proposed or passed in 20 states.
Brad’s response was to a Twitter thread by Lara Witt, who wrote that one of the reasons why the sex strike concept is problematic is that it perpetuates the Victorian notion that sex is something done to women rather than being something in which they actively participate. It’s based on the idea that women really don’t like sex, but tolerate it as a means of attracting and keeping a good male provider.
Today’s self-own, pictured above, is by one Scott Gurstein, who says pretty much the same thing as Brad Anderson.
However, unlike Brad, Scott knows that a solution to his problem is coming in the form of MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way — here’s a quick summary of this sad-sack movement)…and sex robots!
The 21st century is a weird place.
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These guys don't get it. Their problem is that women don't want to have sex with THEM. It's hard to blame them.