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If Neil DeGrasse Tyson was on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”, and the difference between being factual and helpful

Thanks to Star Trek Shitposting for the find!

In case you don’t get the joke, it’s a response to a regrettable tweet that Neil DeGrasse Tyson posted in response to the recent shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio:

Screen-captured, because if Tyson has any sense, he’ll delete this tweet.
Click to view the original if it’s still online.

He’s since figured out that there’s a difference between factual and helpful:

“My intent was to offer objectively true information that might help shape conversations and reactions to preventable ways we die,” his note read. “Where I miscalculated was that I genuinely believed the Tweet would be helpful to anyone trying to save lives in America. What I learned from the range of reactions is that for many people, some information –-my Tweet in particular — can be true but unhelpful, especially at a time when many people are either still in shock, or trying to heal – or both.”

Here’s my favorite tweet in response to Tyson:

And just to be complete, here’s the battle of Wolf 359, as seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Joey deVilla

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