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A delightful find while researching my new industry

Lately, I’ve spent lunch reading up on the industry in which in work:

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

Before you say “Wait a minute — don’t you work in the software/mobile app/IT industry?”, let me make it clear. I work in the beverage alcohol industry; I just happen to do that work with software.

While flipping through the pages, looking for the Using Narrative to Win on Menus article, I stumbled across this full-page ad:

Tap the photo to see it at full size.

It’s a full-page ad for Lilypad, which is the name of both the company I work for and the beverage alcohol software suite it produces, which includes the mobile app, which I work on. I’ve worked on all sorts of software before, but never for something that has its own full-page ad in an industry magazine.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.

Joey deVilla

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