
Last week, “Just Eat” thought they’d invented the lunch break

Last week, this announcement appeared on LinkedIn, and then disappeared after it was roundly mocked online:

Tap the image to see the stool-softeningly stupid post at full size.

That’s right: those lifestyle geniuses at Just Eat thought they’d just invented the lunch break (and perhaps Second Breakfast or Elevenses).

Here’s the text of the announcement:

This morning we launched the Just Eat Power Hour… our colleagues told us while in lockdown they were on back-to-back calls and found it difficult to take a break away from their screen. That’s not how we roll… so we’ve introduced the power hour!

It’s designed for Just Eaters to have guilt free time away from meetings, have lunch with the family, go for a walk (social distance), exercise – just breathe… it’s their time!

Another way we continue to ‘Brilliantly enhance the lives of Just Eaters everywhere!’

For more, see Gizmodo UK’s story: Just Eat Announces Wild New Concept of ‘Lunch Breaks’ and the Internet is Having a Field Day.

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