It Happened to Me Tampa Bay

Scenes from this morning’s bike ride

Photo: Light blue bike parked on the side of Roberta Circle, a tree-lined street with nice houses.
My bike, parked on Roberta Circle. Tap to see at full size.

Seminole Heights’ seal, which depicts a two-headed alligatorI’ve managed to not put on the “Quarantine Fifteen” by doing a 10K bike ride at least five days a week since March. In fact, I’ve lost a little weight over the past couple of months. I’m fortunate to be in a fantastic neighborhood for cycling — lots of tree-lined streets with interesting houses to look at, the Hillsborough River cutting an inverted “U” through the area, and parks all over the place.

Photo: The southern edge of Lake Roberta (actually a pond) as seen from its west side. The lake is lined with trees, and its still waters reflect the clouds and blue sky above.
Lake Roberta. Tap to see at full size.

The 2020 Saharan dust cloud has also made the weather a little drier than usual. Normally, during this time of year, we get either hurricanes, or the typical tropical “rainy season” weather where the day starts sunny, followed by a torrential rainstorm in the early afternoon, followed by sun. More than our fair share of days has been mostly sunny. It’s made for some pretty good cycling.

Photo: The middle of Lake Roberta (actually a pond) as seen from its west side. The lake is lined with trees, and its still waters reflect the clouds and blue sky above.
Lake Roberta. Tap to see at full size.

These photos are from a place I’ve written about before: Lake Roberta. I took them from its east side, looking west.

Photo: The northern edge of Lake Roberta (actually a pond) as seen from its west side. The lake is lined with trees, and its still waters reflect the clouds and blue sky above.
Lake Roberta. Tap to see at full size.

I think it’s a bad idea to ride with headphones on, but I sometimes  like listening to podcasts while I bike. So I do the next best thing: I pop my phone in my backpack’s “iPod pouch” and just play it through the phone’s speaker.

Photo: “Over the Road” podcast logo — Yellow truck door labeled “Over the Road”

I’m currently listening to Over the Road, a podcast where host “Long Haul Paul” Marhoefer, a trucker who’s also a musician and a great storyteller, tells the stories of his fellow long haul truckers, highlighting their experiences and explaining how they’re coping in a world that’s changing as a result of new technologies, new regulations, and changes in the way people live.

Internet Finds The Current Situation The More You Know...

Midweek memes, part 3: The truth about so-called “cancel culture”

Screenshot of tweet: Berrak Sarikaya (@BerrakBiz): It’s only cancel culture if it originates in the Cancelle region of France. Otherwise, it’s just sparkling consequences.
Tap to see the original tweet.

And in case you need to be reminded:

Comic: xkcd’s “Free Speech”. “Public Service Announcement: The right to free speech means the government can}t arrest you for what you say. It doesn’t mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit or host you while you share it. The 1st amendment doesn’t shield you from criticism or consequences. If you’re yelled at, boycotted, have your show cancelled, or get banned from an internet community, your free speech rights aren’t being violated. It’s just that the people listening think you’re an asshole, and they’re showing you the door.”
“Free Speech” by xkcd. Tap to see the source.
Internet Finds

Midweek memes, part 2: The Kubler-Ross model (you know, the “five stages” thing…) for margarine brands

Graphic: Denial (I can’t believe it’s not butter!), Anger (What, not butter!), Bargaining (Could it be butter?), Depression (Unbelievable this is not butter), and Acceptance (Margarine)

America Internet Finds The Current Situation

Midweek memes, part 1: “Der Feuerteufel” (Literally “The Fire Devil”)

Painting: “Der Feuerteufel” (The Fire Devil”) - Trump sitting at his desk in the Oval Office holding a match, which in the window behind him, fires burn and riots take place outside.
“Der Feuerteufel” (it means “firestarter” but literally translates as “fire devil”), which appeared on the cover of Germany’s premier news magazine “Der Spiegel”. Tap to see at full size.

Last month, this painting appeared on the cover of Der Spiegel (here’s the international edition, in English), the most-read news magazine not just in Germany, but Europe as well. Its title is Der Feuerteufel (the firestarter), and its subtitle is Ein Präsident setzt sein Land in Brand (“a president sets fire to his country”).

To find out more about this magazine cover, see Ad Age’s article, Germany’s Leading Newsweekly Decries Trump’s Incendiary Approach.

Magazine cover: June 2020 edition of Der Spiegel, featuring “Der Feuerteufel” on the cover.
Tap to see the image at full size.
Food It Happened to Me The More You Know...

Last night’s side dish: “Layogenic” curried cauliflower

For the next five weeks, I’m teaching an online Python class from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. That means that on those days, I eat dinner a little earlier, which in turn means that I’ve got to have it prepped earlier.

Luckily, I have all sorts of tricks for this sort of schedule, one of which is the mid-afternoon veggie roast: Cut up some vegetables, drizzle with oil and seasonings, roast in the oven or turbo broiler for 45 minutes. It doesn’t take long to put together, and it doesn’t need to be attended to while in the over, allowing me to continue working.

Last night’s vegetable was a whole head of cauliflower in curry powder (I used Badia’s “Jamaican style” curry), truffle salt, and ghee.

While tasty, it doesn’t look pretty close up. It’s layogenic (pronounced “LIE-o-jennic”), a Filipino/English hybrid term that was BBC’s “Word of the Day” back in January. It means “attractive from a distance, but not close up,” — the “layo” part comes from the Filipino word for “far” or “distance”.

Florida The Current Situation

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis downplays the coronavirus threat. Two months later…

May 20, 2020: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, toeing the Trump Administration’s line of pretending everything is fine, castigates the media for overhyping the coronavirus threat.

Photo: Governor Ron DeSantis rants at press while VP Mike Pence, behind him silently watches.

An excerpt from his rant:

You got a lot of people in your profession who waxed for weeks and weeks about how Florida was gonna be just like New York.

“Wait two weeks! Florida’s gonna be next! Just like Italy. Wait two weeks.” Well, hell, we’re eight weeks away from that, and it hasn’t happened.

So we’ve succeeded, and I think that people just don’t want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative, it challenges their assumption, so they gotta try to find a bogeyman. Maybe it’s that there are black helicopters circling the Department of Health. If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

Graphic: A “SpongeBob SquarePants”-style title card that reads “2 months later...”

Two months after the rant:

Photo: Newscaster reports on Florida’s record-breaking COVID-19 numbers.

Nice going, Governor DeVirus.

Florida Life

If “Floridian” was a race in Dungeons and Dragons

Photo: “Floridian” as described in a Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook.
It looks just like an entry from the Player’s Handbook! Tap the image to see it at full size.

Why play a human, elf, or dwarf in Dungeons and Dragons, when you can play a race that really knows how to have a good time: a Floridian?

This D&D parody page does a great job of describing the strange race that inhabits the swamps of America’s drainpipe. It’s actually pretty good — I would want to play as a floridian bard in my next D&D campaign!

Here’s its text:


Much like tieflings carry the essence of Asmodeus, the floridians are descendants of a human bloodline cursed by the trickery domain. A floridian parent will pass along this curse to any and all offspring they create. Anyone born to at least one floridian parent is destined to become an agent of chaos themselves.

Floridian traits

As a floridian, your traits combine those of a human with uncanny traits provided by your chaotic nature:

  • Ability score increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
  • Age. Floridians age similar to humans and live less than a century. However, they are likely to perish due to an accidental mishap before they reach old age.
  • Alignment. Floridians are entirely chaotic with no discernible logic to their actions. Their intentions are difficult to discern but can lead to results of any alignment.
  • Size. Floridians are approximately the same height as humans, though their weight is usually above average. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Hold my Beer. You have the uncanny ability to succeed in the least likely of circumstances. When you fail an attack roll or ability check that you rolled with a disadvantage, you can choose to take the higher of the rolls instead, potentially turning the failure into a success. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
  • Muddled Thoughts. You have an advantage on saving throws against being charmed and your mind cannot be read by magic.
  • Reptile Wrangler. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to handle a reptilian beats, you are considered proficient in the Animal Handling skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Language. You can just barely speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. You can understand the ramblings of intoxicated creatures as long as they’re in a language you know.