Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

More blasts from the past

At the GIANT Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, 2015. Tap to view at full size.

While reorganizing my files, I found these photos of me with the accordion in various situations and decided to post them here, just for fun.

The one above is from the karaoke competition at the 2015 edition of the GIANT Conference, a great UX conference in Charleston. I’m doing Young MC’s Bust a Move, and won an Apple TV as a result. I still have it, too!

The photo below is from a party held at Social Game Universe’s offices on Toronto’s King Street West when I found a unicorn mask and decided to try it on:

At a party at Social Game Universe, Toronto, 2015. Tap to view at full size.

Here’s a couple of pictures from a 2004 meetup with technology journalists Amber Mac and Leo Laporte:

At at meetup with Amber Mac and Leo Laporte, “No Regrets” bistro, Toronto, 2004. Tap to view at full size.
At at meetup with Amber Mac and Leo Laporte, “No Regrets” bistro, Toronto, 2004. Tap to view at full size.

For a brief, shining moment, I was in an earlier version Lindi Ortega’s band:

Playing with Lindi Ortega at b-sides, Toronto, 2002.

These photos are from two DEF CON conferences, DEF CON 8 and DEF CON 9:

Bargaining with the Ferengi at Star Trek: The Experience, Las Vegas, 2001.
Hanging with Deth Veggie at the Cult of the Dead Cow suite, DEF CON 8, Alexis Park Hotel, Las Vegas, 2000.

These final photos are from Year One of the accordion — the year when I first took the accordion out into the world, yielding some surprising results:

Me, Alicia, and George getting a pic with Chef Masaharu Morimoto at his restaurant, Nobu, New York, 1999.
Me and Karl Mohr backing up John Southworth at his live performance at CBC radio, Toronto, 1999.

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