
Florida woman plays along with crazy boss’ stupid game, wins stupid prize


By now, you’re probably aware of the news that White House press secretary and Tampa Bay’s own Kayleigh McEnany (a.k.a. “Kayleigh Mendacity”) tested positive for COVID-19, making her the 13th person (so far) in Trump’s circle to do so.

Now might be a good time to recall this appearance on Trish Regan’s show on the Fox Business channel, back in February (which feels like years ago):

Like other members of Team Trump, McEnany didn’t follow public health guidelines about masks, largely as a symbolic gesture.

Even now, there are still people who are flouting common sense rules as an act of defiance. You’d think that most adults would’ve gotten past the phase where they rebel against their parents, but apparently that’s not always the case:

Tap to view the original moronic Tweet.
Joey deVilla

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