The Electric Company was an educational children’s show that produced 780 shows from 1971 through 1977. It’s the show that you’d watch after graduating from Sesame Street, and its original cast featured names you might recognize: Rita Moreno, Bill Cosby, and Morgan Freeman:
The Electric Company had an arrangement with Marvel Comics to use the Spider-Man character in skits named Spidey Super Stories that would teach reading. The version of Spider-Man they used lived in his costume 24/7, had no life as Peter Parker or Miles Morales, and spoke only in comic book word bubbles, requiring the viewer to read:
The skits had a companion comic book series, and issue 9 featured an Easter-themed villain:
Trust me, Funny Bunny’s isn’t the dumbest supervillain origin story:
Spider-Man deduces where the Funny Bunny will strike next, and literally hops on a train for D.C. (the district, not the rival comic book publisher…):
…and quickly dispatches the Funny Bunny, even though she’s not even a mall cop-level threat:
Happy Easter, everybody!
(Also worth checking out: Spider-Man’s greatest Bible stories!)
Clearly, I missed out by not watching the director’s cut of Jerry Maguire! But seriously —…
One of the guys — and I do mean guys — who’s bound and determined…
It’s Sunday, which means it’s time for another “picdump!” Here are 118 memes, pictures, and…