Stranger than Fiction The Current Situation

A timely message from Dairy Queen

Announcement sign at a Dairy Queen that reads “It’s ECLIPSE not apocalypse.”
Announcement sign at a Dairy Queen that reads “It’s ECLIPSE not apocalypse”, taken from another angle.
Geek Music

AC/DC meets the attack on the Death Star

The video below has been making the internet rounds, but I wanted to make sure you saw it — two of the 1970s’ greatest cultural creations: AC/DC and Star Wars, with scenes from the attack on the Death Star from Episode IV and Thunderstruck from AC/DC’s 1990 album, The Razor’s Edge!

This video is only the latest of a long series of classic rock/Star Wars mash-ups…

But wow, Thunderstruck’s a favorite…

I’ll close with one of my favorites, Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans, a parody of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band:

Stranger than Fiction The More You Know...


Photo of an e-scooter and an SUV with the caption: “One of these vehicles is considered so dangerous that most cities dictate and enforced speed limiter.

The other one is an SUV.”