Month: May 2024
Once a year, the Glazer Children’s Museum holds what I like to call “Grown-Up Night,” an adults-only event where we grown-ups can explore the museum and play with the exhibits as if we were kids.
Anitra’s been a member of the museum’s board for a couple of years now, so we’ve gotten to know the board members and staff of the Museum and of course we were there!
We got a couple of photos of us and Little John, the smaller costume version of Big John, the triceratops skeleton on display on the Museum’s third floor. They’re album covers waiting to happen!
Need context? It’s a recent internet debate, and you can find out more in this article, Women Are More Afraid of Men Than Bears, According to TikTok.
And if you don’t read the whole article, at least read its closing paragraph (added emphasis is mine):
The bear experiment shouldn’t make men mad, it should make them pause. The more we can be curious about the experiences of women under patriarchy, rather than question them, the better positioned we are to modify the systems that harm us all. The fact that this dialogue about gender-based violence could be uncomfortable is what makes it most imperative. Men should be bold and have that conversation, even if they’re scared. If women are strong enough to brave a bear alone in the woods, then surely men can muster up the courage to talk about the reason why.
…because the current crop of headlines suggests that’s not the case.
Comment of the day
The Gadsden flag is often an indicator for “I peaked in high school.”