Geek It Happened to Me

CTV Appearance

Yesterday morning, David Akin in his CTV News guise (he’s also with the Globe and Mail) asked if he could drop by Tucows along with intrepid camerman Lucien and interview both Boss Ross and me about Google as part of a piece on their IPO. We said “come on down!” and an hour later, he was here conducting interviews.

Here’s Boss Ross in his office.

here I am. While “Technical Community Development Coordinator” is my
actual title, it’s just too hard to explain and wouldn’t fit on the
screen anyway.

“Carpenters need hammers, internet guys need Google.” Hah! I slay me! I am the Soundbite King!

Ross has posted the video in his latest entry — you can either get the video there or download it from me [1.9 MB Windows Media]. Take your pick!

10 replies on “CTV Appearance”

I dunno if it’s something you are doing, or if something on LJ is broken, but your LJ syndication is now (this entry and the previous one) giving ugly error messages. The error is as follows
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup (‘&lt img \&\#160 &gt’) in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
You can see this error in action at:

I fixed the HTML that was causing the error. I’m not sure it’ll fix any existing postings to LiveJournal, however (I didn’t create the feed).

“Carpenters need hammers, internet guys need Google.”
I love this line so much I’m working it into my daily conversation.

Joey, no wonder you’ve got The Redhead’s mad for you, -and- lovely women clinging to your accordion all the time — how dare you be so effortlessly charming in that TV spot? Oh, yeah, it must be the Filipino factor; I can only hope I inherited a bit of that from my mom’s side of my family. 😉
–Kim (Mizzkyttie’s Mind)

Erm, yeah, take the ‘s off of the end of Redhead, there. Can you tell I only got 3 hours of sleep last night?

Too Cool
Can I have your autograph now Joey
Before you disappear into the Stratosphere of Stardom
why couldnt David let you sneak in a few keys on the squeeze box
Jp from the Stinky side of Lake Ont

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