
Doc Searls on accordion

Doc’s already run the photo on his blog, but why let him have all the fun? When he was in Accordion City last month, he had a little blogflocking at Toronto’s nicest pool hall, the Academy of Spherical Arts. I blogged the event here, but haven’t yet posted the photo of Doc with my dress accordion (as opposed to the street accordion) and my infamous hat:

Photo: Doc Searls with my hat and accordion. Taken at the Academy of Spherical Arts, March 2003.

Doc Searls! A-list blogger, Linux Journal editor, Cluetrain engineer and all-round sweet guy.

(and hey, while we’re posting gratuitous photos of the accordion and various Internet celebrities, why not the one with me and ubercool computer book publisher Tim O’Reilly?)

Photo: Me, the accordion and Tim O'Reilly. Taken at the O'Reilly P2P Conference, February 2001.

Me and Tim at the first P2PCon. Back when Napster was alive and CARP was just a fish.

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